

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
  • LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.sequents = Prod.snd
Instances For
    Instances For
      theorem LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.isProper_primrec {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] :
      Primrec LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.isProper
      theorem LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.isProper_append {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] {l₁ : LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList L} {l₂ : LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList L} (h₁ : l₁.isProper = true) (h₂ : l₂.isProper = true) :
      (l₁ ++ l₂).isProper = true
      theorem LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.derivation_of_isProper {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] (l : LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList L) :
      l.isProper = trueΓl.sequents, Nonempty (⊢¹ Γ)
      Instances For
        theorem LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.List.mem_cons_cons {α : Type u_1} (l : List α) (a : α) (b : α) :
        l a :: b :: l
        theorem LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.Finset.mem_cons_cons {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : α) :
        s insert a (insert b s)
        theorem LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.Finset.toList_subset_toList {α : Type u_1} {s₁ : Finset α} {s₂ : Finset α} :
        s₁.toList s₂.toList s₁ s₂
        theorem LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList.provable_iff {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] {T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L} [DecidablePred T] {σ : LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L} :
        T ⊢! σ ∃ (l : LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.ProofList L) (U : List (LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L)), (U.all fun (x : LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L) => decide (T x)) = true (LO.FirstOrder.Rew.emb.hom) (σ :: (fun (x : LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L) => ~x) U) l.sequents l.isProper = true
        def LO.FirstOrder.isProofFn {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] (T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L) [DecidablePred T] :
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          Instances For
            def LO.FirstOrder.provableFn {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] (T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L) [DecidablePred T] :
            Instances For
              theorem LO.FirstOrder.provable_iff_isProofFn {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] {T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L} [DecidablePred T] {σ : LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L} :
              T ⊢! σ ∃ (e : ), LO.FirstOrder.isProofFn T σ e = true
              theorem LO.FirstOrder.provable_iff_provableFn {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] {T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L} [DecidablePred T] {σ : LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L} {u : Unit} :
                theorem LO.FirstOrder.Theory.Computable.comp {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] {T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L} [DecidablePred T] [self : T.Computable] :
                theorem LO.FirstOrder.isProofFn_computable {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] (T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L) [DecidablePred T] [T.Computable] :
                theorem LO.FirstOrder.provableFn_partrec {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] (T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L) [DecidablePred T] [T.Computable] :
                theorem LO.FirstOrder.provable_RePred {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → DecidableEq (L.Rel k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ) → Primcodable (L.Rel k)] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Func] [UniformlyPrimcodable L.Rel] (T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L) [DecidablePred T] [T.Computable] :