

@[reducible, inline]
Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem LO.Modal.Standard.Theory.intro_union_consistent {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {T₁ : LO.Modal.Standard.Theory α} {T₂ : LO.Modal.Standard.Theory α} (h : ∀ {Γ₁ Γ₂ : List (LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α)}, ((pΓ₁, p T₁) pΓ₂, p T₂)Λ ⊬! Γ₁ Γ₂ ) :
      (Λ)-Consistent (T₁ T₂)
      theorem LO.Modal.Standard.Theory.intro_triunion_consistent {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {T₁ : LO.Modal.Standard.Theory α} {T₂ : LO.Modal.Standard.Theory α} {T₃ : LO.Modal.Standard.Theory α} (h : ∀ {Γ₁ Γ₂ Γ₃ : List (LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α)}, ((pΓ₁, p T₁) (pΓ₂, p T₂) pΓ₃, p T₃)Λ ⊬! Γ₁ Γ₂ Γ₃ ) :
      (Λ)-Consistent (T₁ T₂ T₃)
      Instances For
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.equality_def {α : Type u_1} {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω₁ : (Λ)-MCT} {Ω₂ : (Λ)-MCT} :
          Ω₁ = Ω₂ Ω₁.theory = Ω₂.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.intro_equality {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω₁ : (Λ)-MCT} {Ω₂ : (Λ)-MCT} {h : pΩ₁.theory, p Ω₂.theory} :
          Ω₁ = Ω₂
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.neg_imp {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω₁ : (Λ)-MCT} {Ω₂ : (Λ)-MCT} {p : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α} {q : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α} (h : q Ω₂.theoryp Ω₁.theory) :
          ~p Ω₁.theory~q Ω₂.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.neg_iff {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω₁ : (Λ)-MCT} {Ω₂ : (Λ)-MCT} {p : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α} {q : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α} (h : p Ω₁.theory q Ω₂.theory) :
          ~p Ω₁.theory ~q Ω₂.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.iff_mem_multibox {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω : (Λ)-MCT} {p : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α} [Λ.IsNormal] {n : } :
          □^[n]p Ω.theory ∀ {Ω' : (Λ)-MCT}, □''⁻¹^[n]Ω.theory Ω'.theoryp Ω'.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.iff_mem_box {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω : (Λ)-MCT} {p : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α} [Λ.IsNormal] :
          p Ω.theory ∀ {Ω' : (Λ)-MCT}, □''⁻¹Ω.theory Ω'.theoryp Ω'.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.iff_mem_multidia {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω : (Λ)-MCT} {p : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α} [Λ.IsNormal] {n : } :
          ◇^[n]p Ω.theory ∃ (Ω' : (Λ)-MCT), □''⁻¹^[n]Ω.theory Ω'.theory p Ω'.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.iff_mem_dia {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω : (Λ)-MCT} {p : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α} [Λ.IsNormal] :
          p Ω.theory ∃ (Ω' : (Λ)-MCT), □''⁻¹Ω.theory Ω'.theory p Ω'.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.multibox_multidia {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω₁ : (Λ)-MCT} {Ω₂ : (Λ)-MCT} [Λ.IsNormal] {n : } :
          (∀ {p : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α}, □^[n]p Ω₁.theoryp Ω₂.theory) ∀ {p : LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α}, p Ω₂.theory◇^[n]p Ω₁.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.iff_mem_multibox_conj {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω : (Λ)-MCT} [Λ.IsNormal] {Γ : List (LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α)} {n : } :
          □^[n]Γ Ω.theory pΓ, □^[n]p Ω.theory
          theorem LO.Modal.Standard.MaximalConsistentTheory.iff_mem_box_conj {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] {Λ : LO.Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α} {Ω : (Λ)-MCT} [Λ.IsNormal] {Γ : List (LO.Modal.Standard.Formula α)} :
          Γ Ω.theory pΓ, p Ω.theory