

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev LO.IntProp.Kripke.IntDPCounterexampleFrame (F₁ : LO.Kripke.Frame) (F₂ : LO.Kripke.Frame) (w₁ : F₁.World) (w₂ : F₂.World) :
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    theorem LO.IntProp.Kripke.IntDPCounterexampleFrame.reflexive {F₁ : LO.Kripke.Frame} {F₂ : LO.Kripke.Frame} {w₁ : F₁.World} {w₂ : F₂.World} (F₁_refl : Reflexive F₁.Rel) (F₂_refl : Reflexive F₂.Rel) :
    theorem LO.IntProp.Kripke.IntDPCounterexampleFrame.transitive {F₁ : LO.Kripke.Frame} {F₂ : LO.Kripke.Frame} {w₁ : F₁.World} {w₂ : F₂.World} (F₁_trans : Transitive F₁.Rel) (F₂_trans : Transitive F₂.Rel) :
    theorem LO.IntProp.Kripke.IntDPCounterexampleFrame.antisymmetric {F₁ : LO.Kripke.Frame} {F₂ : LO.Kripke.Frame} {w₁ : F₁.World} {w₂ : F₂.World} (F₁_antisymm : Antisymmetric F₁.Rel) (F₂_antisymm : Antisymmetric F₂.Rel) :
    @[reducible, inline]
    abbrev LO.IntProp.Kripke.IntDPCounterexampleModel {α : Type u_1} (M₁ : LO.Kripke.Model α) (M₂ : LO.Kripke.Model α) (w₁ : M₁.World) (w₂ : M₂.World) :
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem LO.IntProp.Kripke.IntDPCounterexampleModel.atomic_hereditary {α : Type u_1} {M₁ : LO.Kripke.Model α} {M₂ : LO.Kripke.Model α} {w₁ : M₁.World} {w₂ : M₂.World} (M₁_hered : M₁.Valuation.atomic_hereditary) (M₂_hered : M₂.Valuation.atomic_hereditary) :
      (LO.IntProp.Kripke.IntDPCounterexampleModel M₁ M₂ w₁ w₂).Valuation.atomic_hereditary