

noncomputable def LO.System.lem₁_boxdot_Grz_of_L {S : Type u_1} {F : Type u_2} [LO.BasicModalLogicalConnective F] [DecidableEq F] [LO.System F S] {𝓢 : S} [LO.System.GL 𝓢] {φ : F} :
𝓢 ((φ φ) φ) (φ φ) φ
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Instances For
    noncomputable def LO.System.boxdot_Grz_of_L {S : Type u_1} {F : Type u_2} [LO.BasicModalLogicalConnective F] [DecidableEq F] [LO.System F S] {𝓢 : S} [LO.System.GL 𝓢] {φ : F} :
    𝓢 ((φ φ) φ) φ
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem LO.System.boxdot_Grz_of_L! {S : Type u_1} {F : Type u_2} [LO.BasicModalLogicalConnective F] [DecidableEq F] [LO.System F S] {𝓢 : S} [LO.System.GL 𝓢] {φ : F} :
      𝓢 ⊢! ((φ φ) φ) φ
      theorem LO.Modal.Kripke.iff_boxdot_reflexive_closure {φ : LO.Modal.Formula } {F : LO.Modal.Kripke.Frame} {V : LO.Modal.Kripke.Valuation F} {x : { toFrame := F, Val := V }.World} :
      LO.Modal.Formula.Kripke.Satisfies { toFrame := F, Val := V } x (φ) LO.Modal.Formula.Kripke.Satisfies { toFrame := F^=, Val := V } x φ