Gödel's First Incompleteness Theorem

A deduction system is complete iff it can prove or refute every sentence . Otherwise, is incomplete.

def System.Complete {F S} [System F S] [LogicalConnective F] (𝓢 : S) : Prop :=
    ∀ f, 𝓢 ⊢! f ∨ 𝓢 ⊢! ~f


Let be a -definable arithmetic theory, stronger than and -sound.

Representeation Theorem

Theorem: Let be a r.e. set. Then, there exists a formula such that for all .

lemma re_complete
    [𝐑₀ ≼ T] [Sigma1Sound T]
    {p : ℕ → Prop} (hp : RePred p) {x : ℕ} :
    p x ↔ T ⊢! ↑((codeOfRePred p)/[‘↑x’] : Sentence ℒₒᵣ) 

Main Theorem

Theorem: -sound and -definable first-order theory, which is stronger than , is incomplete.

  • Proof.

    Define a set of formulae with one variable. is r.e. since is -definable. (one could use Craig's trick to weaken this condition to , but I will not do that here.)

    By the representation theorem, there exists a formula that represents . i.e.,

    Let . The next follows immediately.

    Thus, as is consistent, is undecidable from . ∎

theorem goedel_first_incompleteness
  (T : Theory ℒₒᵣ) [𝐑₀ ≼ T] [Sigma1Sound T] [T.Delta1Definable] :
  ¬System.Complete T