
These results are included in Arithmetization.


It is proved that the graph of exponential is definable by -formula, and their inductive properties are provable in . In , we can further prove their entireness.

Theory of Hereditary Finite Sets in

Weak theory of sets in (Hereditary Finite Sets) can be developed inside using Ackermann coding and bit predicate. Hereafter, we will use the notation in the sense of bit predicate:

lemma mem_iff_bit [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁] {i a : M} : i ∈ a ↔ Bit i a

The following comprehension holds.

theorem finset_comprehension₁ [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁]
    {P : M → Prop} (hP : (Γ, 1)-Predicate P) (a : M) :
    ∃ s < exp a, ∀ i < a, i ∈ s ↔ P i

The basic concepts of set theory, such as union, inter, cartesian product, and mapping, etc. are defined.


iff is a mapping and its domain is for some .

def Seq [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁] (s : M) : Prop := IsMapping s ∧ ∃ l, domain s = under l

Primitive Recursion

Let , be a -function. There is a -function such that:

structure Formulae (k : ℕ) where
  zero : 𝚺₁-Semisentence (k + 1)
  succ : 𝚺₁-Semisentence (k + 3)

structure Construction {k : ℕ} (p : Formulae k) where
  zero : (Fin k → M) → M
  succ : (Fin k → M) → M → M → M
  zero_defined : DefinedFunction zero
  succ_defined : DefinedFunction (fun v ↦ succ (v ·.succ.succ) (v 1) (v 0)) p.succ

variable {k : ℕ} {p : Formulae k} (c : Construction M p) (v : Fin k → M)

def Construction.result (u : M) : M

theorem Construction.result_zero :
    c.result v 0 = v

theorem Construction.result_succ (u : M) :
    c.result v (u + 1) = c.succ v u (c.result v u)


Let be a predicate, which takes a class as a parameter. Then there is a -predicate such that

if satisfies following conditions:

  1. is -definable if is a set. i.e., a predicate is -definable.
  2. Monotone: and implies .
  3. Finite: implies the existence of a s.t. .
structure Blueprint (k : ℕ) where
  core : 𝚫₁-Semisentence (k + 2)

structure Construction (φ : Blueprint k) where
  Φ : (Fin k → M) → Set M → M → Prop
  defined : Arith.Defined (fun v ↦ Φ (v ·.succ.succ) {x | x ∈ v 1} (v 0)) φ.core
  monotone {C C' : Set M} (h : C ⊆ C') {v x} : Φ v C x → Φ v C' x

class Construction.Finite (c : Construction M φ) where
  finite {C : Set M} {v x} : c.Φ v C x → ∃ m, c.Φ v {y ∈ C | y < m} x

variable {k : ℕ} {φ : Blueprint k} (c : Construction M φ) [Finite c] (v : Fin k → M)

def Construction.Fixpoint (x : M) : Prop

theorem :
    c.Fixpoint v x ↔ c.Φ v {z | c.Fixpoint v z} x

is if satisfies strong finiteness:

class Construction.StrongFinite (c : Construction M φ) where
  strong_finite {C : Set M} {v x} : c.Φ v C x → c.Φ v {y ∈ C | y < x} x

Also structural induction holds.

theorem Construction.induction [c.StrongFinite]
    {P : M → Prop} (hP : (Γ, 1)-Predicate P)
    (H : ∀ C : Set M, (∀ x ∈ C, c.Fixpoint v x ∧ P x) → ∀ x, c.Φ v C x → P x) :
    ∀ x, c.Fixpoint v x → P x