Completeness for Kripke Semantics
Completeness for Kripke Semantics (shortly called, Kripke Completeness) proved by usual way with Canonical frames and models.
If every axioms in Ax(𝓓)
is valid in Canonical frame of 𝓓
, 𝓓
is called Canonical.
class Canonical (𝓓 : DeductionParameter α) [Inhabited (MCT 𝓓)] where
realize : (CanonicalFrame 𝓓) ⊧* Ax(𝓓)
If 𝓓
is canonical and consistent, then 𝓓
is complete for 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
instance [System.Consistent 𝓓] [Canonical 𝓓] : Complete 𝓓 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
Immediately apparent that 𝐊
is canonical and 𝐊
is consistent mentioned above, then 𝐊
is complete.
instance : Canonical 𝐊
instance : Complete 𝐊 𝔽(Ax(𝐊))
Futhermore, if 𝓓
is Geach, then 𝓓
is canonical, thus it is complete.
instance [𝓓.IsGeach] : Canonical 𝓓
instance [𝓓.IsGeach] : Complete 𝓓 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))