Formalized Formal Logic
This project is aim to formalize some various results of mathematical logic in Lean Theorem Prover.
This book provides explanation and summaries of formalized concepts, theorems, propositions. Proofs of them are not explained, refer to the code or the references.
Full documentation is here.
Main Results
Classical Propositional Logic
- Soundness and completeness.
First-Order Logic
The list of main formalized results in first-order (Predicate) logics.
- Soundness and completeness.
- Gödel's First Incompleteness Theorem.
- Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem.
Superintuitionistic Propositional Logic
The list of main formalized results in superintuitionistic propositional logics.
- Soundness and completeness for Kripke semantics.
- Law of Excluded Middle doesn't hold in intuitionistic logic.
- Disjunctive property of intuitionistic logic.
Standard Modal Logic
The list of main formalized in standard modal logics.
- Definability of Kripke frame.
- Soundness and completeness for Kripke semantics.
- Gödel-McKensey-Tarski Theorem and Modal companion.
Import Graph
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require logic from git ""
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"lean4.input.customTranslations": {
"cand": "⋏",
"cor": "⋎",
"boxdot": "⊡",
"^F": "ꟳ"
References and Related Works
- J. Han, F. van Doorn, A formalization of forcing and the unprovability of the continuum hypothesis
- W. Pohlers, Proof Theory: The First Step into Impredicativity
- P. Hájek, P. Pudlák, Metamathematics of First-Order Arithmetic
- R. Kaye, Models of Peano arithmetic
- 田中 一之, ゲーデルと 20 世紀の論理学
- 菊池 誠 (編者), 『数学における証明と真理 ─ 様相論理と数学基礎論』
- P. Blackburn, M. de Rijke, Y. Venema, "Modal Logic"
- Open Logic Project, "The Open Logic Text"
- R. Hakli, S. Negri, "Does the deduction theorem fail for modal logic?"
- G. Boolos, "The Logic of Provability"
- M. C. Fitting, V. W. Marek, and M. Truszczynski, "The Pure Logic of Necessitation"
- T. Kurahashi, "The provability logic of all provability predicates"
- W. Carnielli, C. Pizzi, "Modalities and Multimodalities"
Related Works
Here is the list of project particularly formalize mathematical logics. If you find something missing from this list or add, report via issues.
Lean 4
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Hybrid logic. Syntax and semantics for hybrid logic are provided, and some facts and soundness have been proven. However completeness seems to have been not yet formalized.
Formalizing the consistency of Quine's set theory "New Foundations": .
Lean 3
Independence of the continuum hypothesis.
Intuitionistic propositional logic.
Hilbert-style deduction system, Kripke semantics and Henkin-style (constructing maximal prime set and canonical model) completeness proof.
Normal modal logic.
Hilbert-style deduction system, Kripke semantics and Henkin-style (constructing maximal consistent set and canonical model) completeness proof for .
Formalization of modal logic and public announcement logic.
Tableaux system for modal logic .
and public announcement logic (PAL). Main result are recursion theorem (reducing public announce modality for any PAL formula) and completeness of .
Lawrence C. Paulson, "Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems"
Formalized Gödel's first and second incompleteness theorems. Remark the second incompleteness theorem is proved on hereditarily finite sets.
Christoph Benzmüller, Woltzenlogel Paleo, "Gödel's God in Isabelle/HOL"
Gödel's ontological argument of God's existence.
Completeness of Gödel-Löb (provability) modal logic in HOL/Light.
Modal Logic, based on textbook "Modal Logic" by P. Blackburn, M. de Rijke, Y. Venema in HOL.
Coq formalization of several modal logics (related provability logic and etc.) and their caliculi.
Uniform interpolants for basic modal logic , Gödel-Löb provability logic , intuitionistic strong Löb logic .
- demo
- Hugo Férée, Iris van der Giessen, Sam van Gool, Ian Shillito, "Mechanised uniform interpolation for modal logics K, GL and iSL"
Quantified modal logic called Quantified Reflection Calculus with one modality .
Christian Doczkal, Gert Smolka, "Completeness and decidability of converse PDL in the constructive type theory of Coq"
Propositional Dynamic Logic.
Christian Doczkal, Gert Smolka, "Constructive Formalization of Hybrid Logic with Eventualities"
Hybrid Logic.
Russell O'Connor's continuous works on Incompleteness Theorem
Modal logic , its Kripke completeness.
Floris van Doorn, "Propositional Calculus in Coq"
Hilbert deduction system, natural deduction system, and sequent calculus for classical propositional logic. Formalized completeness of natural deduction system, the provability equivalence of three calculi, cut-elimination for sequent calculus.
Christoph Benzmüller, Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo, "Interacting with Modal Logics in the Coq Proof Assistant"
Modal logic and Gödel's ontological argument of existence of God.
Multi-agent epistemic modal logic .
Iris Project
Framework for concurrent saparation logic. Verified in Coq.
Definitions and Notations
Classical Propositional Logic
Syntax and Semantics for Classical Propositional Logic
Deduction System
We adupt the Tait-calculus as a deduction system of classical propositional logic.
abbrev Sequent (α : Type*) := List (Formula α)
inductive Derivation : Sequent α → Type _
| axL (Δ a) : Derivation (Formula.atom a :: Formula.natom a :: Δ)
| verum (Δ) : Derivation (⊤ :: Δ)
| or {Δ p q} : Derivation (p :: q :: Δ) → Derivation (p ⋎ q :: Δ)
| and {Δ p q} : Derivation (p :: Δ) → Derivation (q :: Δ) → Derivation (p ⋏ q :: Δ)
| wk {Δ Γ} : Derivation Δ → Δ ⊆ Γ → Derivation Γ
| cut {Δ p} : Derivation (p :: Δ) → Derivation (~p :: Δ) → Derivation Δ
instance : OneSided (Formula α) := ⟨Derivation⟩
Soundness and Completeness
The soundness theorem is proved by induction of derivation.
instance (T : Theory α) : Sound T (Semantics.models (Valuation α) T)
The conpleteness theorem is also proved by constructing maximal consistent theory.
instance (T : Theory α) : Complete T (Semantics.models (Valuation α) T)
First-Order Logic
Term and Formula
Quantification of formulae are defined using de Bruijn index, but we can write terms and formulae by usual binder notation using macro.
variables x y z
is just an example and can take any number of ident
is an expression of term/formula.
Binder Notation
Binder notation of term takes either form:
- Term:
‘x y z. e’
, Formula:“x y z. e”
x y z
is the symbol for the bound variables,k:num
-variables denotes the terms inSemiterm L ξ (n + $k)
/Semiformula L ξ (n + $k)
. (n
can be variable)
- Term:
‘x y z | e’
, Formula:“x y z | e”
x y z
is the symbol for the free variables,k:num
-variables denotes the terms inSemiterm L ξ n
/Semiformula L ξ n
. (n
can be variable)
- Term:
, Formula:“e”
- An abbreviation of
‘ . e’
/“ . e”
- An abbreviation of
Expression of term/formula
Deduction System for First-Order Logic
Semantics for First-Order Logic
Completeness Theorem
In this formalization, we prefer developing arithmetic model theoretic, i.e. show instead of (They are equivalent thanks to the completeness theorem.). This approach has several advantages:
- In general, writing a formalized proof (in formalized system!) is very tedious. Meta-proofs, on the other hand, tend to be relatively concise.
- Many definitions and proofs of logic and algebra in Mathlib can be used.
- Metaprogramming can streamline the proof process (especially
). - It is easy to extend predicates and functions. When adding predicates or functions, it is necessary to extend its language by extension by definition in case of formalized proof, but not in model theoretic approach.
This procedure is done as follows. Suppose we wish to prove that the totality of an exponential function can be proved in . First, the graph of the exponential function must be defined. This is achieved by the following two definitions.
Semantic definition.
def Exponential {M : Type*} [Zero M] [One M] [Add M] [Mul M] [LT M] [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₀] : M → M → Prop
Syntactic definition that expresses the semantic definition.
def exponentialDef : 𝚺₀-Semisentence 2 lemma Exponential.defined : 𝚺₀-Relation (Exponential : M → M → Prop) via exponentialDef ``` Then prove the totality.
theorem {M : Type*} [Zero M] [One M] [Add M] [Mul M] [LT M] [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₀] (x : M) : ∃ y, Exponential x y
Since Exponential
are defined in all the model of ,
𝐈𝚺₁ ⊢! ∀' ∃' exponentialDef
is obtained by the completeness theorem. This was the result we wanted to achieve.
Defined Predicates and Functions
Predicate/Function | Notation | Defined in | Totality is proved in | Complexity | Polynomial Bound |
0 | |||||
1 | |||||
x + y | |||||
x * y | |||||
x = y | - | - | |||
x < y | - | - | |||
x ≤ y | - | - | |||
(modified subtraction) | x - y | ||||
(devides) | x ∣ y | - | - | ||
min x y | |||||
max x y | |||||
x / y | |||||
(remainder) | x % y | ||||
√x | |||||
⟪x, y⟫ | |||||
(first inversion of pairing) | π₁ x | ||||
(second inversion of pairing) | π₂ x | ||||
exp x | none | ||||
log x | |||||
(binary length) | ‖x‖ | ||||
x # y | none | ||||
(number of ones) | nuon x | ||||
, | x ∈ y | - | - | ||
∅ | |||||
x ⊆ y | - | - | |||
⋃ʰᶠ x | none | ||||
x ∪ y | |||||
⋂ʰᶠ x | ? | ||||
x ∩ y | |||||
(cartesian product) | x ×ʰᶠ y | ? | |||
(domain of relation) | domain x | ||||
IsMapping x | - | - | |||
Seq x | - | - | |||
(length of sequence) | lh x | ||||
(concatation of sequence) | x ⁀' y | none | |||
(-th element of sequence) | znth x | ||||
L.Semiterm x y | - | - | |||
L.termSubst n m w t | none | ||||
L.Semiformula x y | - | - |
Theories of Arithmetics
Notation | Description | ||
𝐏𝐀⁻ | Finitely axiomatized fragment of | ||
𝐈open | + Induction of open formula | ||
𝐈𝚺₀ | + Induction of formula | Theory | |
𝐈𝚺₀ + Ω₁ | + -axiom | ||
𝐄𝐀 | Elementary arithmetic | ||
𝐈𝚺₁ | + Induction of formula | Theory | |
𝐏𝐀 | Peano arithmetic |
These results are included in Arithmetization.
The graph of exponential is definable by -fomrula, and its inductive properties are proved in .
instance exponential_definable [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₀] : 𝚺₀-Relation (Exponential : M → M → Prop)
lemma exponential_zero_one [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₀] :
Exponential 0 1
lemma exponential_succ_mul_two [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₀] {x y : M} :
Exponential (x + 1) (2 * y) ↔ Exponential x y
Other basic functions, such as are defined by using exponential.
These results are included in Arithmetization.
It is proved that the graph of exponential is definable by -formula, and their inductive properties are provable in . In , we can further prove their entireness.
Theory of Hereditary Finite Sets in
Weak theory of sets in (Hereditary Finite Sets) can be developed inside using Ackermann coding and bit predicate. Hereafter, we will use the notation in the sense of bit predicate:
lemma mem_iff_bit [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁] {i a : M} : i ∈ a ↔ Bit i a
The following comprehension holds.
theorem finset_comprehension₁ [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁]
{P : M → Prop} (hP : (Γ, 1)-Predicate P) (a : M) :
∃ s < exp a, ∀ i < a, i ∈ s ↔ P i
The basic concepts of set theory, such as union, inter, cartesian product, and mapping, etc. are defined.
iff is a mapping and its domain is for some .
def Seq [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁] (s : M) : Prop := IsMapping s ∧ ∃ l, domain s = under l
Primitive Recursion
Let , be a -function. There is a -function such that:
structure Formulae (k : ℕ) where
zero : 𝚺₁-Semisentence (k + 1)
succ : 𝚺₁-Semisentence (k + 3)
structure Construction {k : ℕ} (p : Formulae k) where
zero : (Fin k → M) → M
succ : (Fin k → M) → M → M → M
zero_defined : DefinedFunction zero
succ_defined : DefinedFunction (fun v ↦ succ (v ·.succ.succ) (v 1) (v 0)) p.succ
variable {k : ℕ} {p : Formulae k} (c : Construction M p) (v : Fin k → M)
def Construction.result (u : M) : M
theorem Construction.result_zero :
c.result v 0 = v
theorem Construction.result_succ (u : M) :
c.result v (u + 1) = c.succ v u (c.result v u)
Let be a predicate, which takes a class as a parameter. Then there is a -predicate such that
if satisfies following conditions:
- is -definable if is a set. i.e., a predicate is -definable.
- Monotone: and implies .
- Finite: implies the existence of a s.t. .
structure Blueprint (k : ℕ) where
core : 𝚫₁-Semisentence (k + 2)
structure Construction (φ : Blueprint k) where
Φ : (Fin k → M) → Set M → M → Prop
defined : Arith.Defined (fun v ↦ Φ (v ·.succ.succ) {x | x ∈ v 1} (v 0)) φ.core
monotone {C C' : Set M} (h : C ⊆ C') {v x} : Φ v C x → Φ v C' x
class Construction.Finite (c : Construction M φ) where
finite {C : Set M} {v x} : c.Φ v C x → ∃ m, c.Φ v {y ∈ C | y < m} x
variable {k : ℕ} {φ : Blueprint k} (c : Construction M φ) [Finite c] (v : Fin k → M)
def Construction.Fixpoint (x : M) : Prop
theorem :
c.Fixpoint v x ↔ c.Φ v {z | c.Fixpoint v z} x
is if satisfies strong finiteness:
class Construction.StrongFinite (c : Construction M φ) where
strong_finite {C : Set M} {v x} : c.Φ v C x → c.Φ v {y ∈ C | y < x} x
Also structural induction holds.
theorem Construction.induction [c.StrongFinite]
{P : M → Prop} (hP : (Γ, 1)-Predicate P)
(H : ∀ C : Set M, (∀ x ∈ C, c.Fixpoint v x ∧ P x) → ∀ x, c.Φ v C x → P x) :
∀ x, c.Fixpoint v x → P x
Gödel's First Incompleteness Theorem
A deduction system is complete iff it can prove or refute every sentence . Otherwise, is incomplete.
def System.Complete {F S} [System F S] [LogicalConnective F] (𝓢 : S) : Prop :=
∀ f, 𝓢 ⊢! f ∨ 𝓢 ⊢! ~f
Let be a -definable arithmetic theory, stronger than and -sound.
Representeation Theorem
Theorem: Let be a r.e. set. Then, there exists a formula such that for all .
lemma re_complete
[𝐑₀ ≼ T] [Sigma1Sound T]
{p : ℕ → Prop} (hp : RePred p) {x : ℕ} :
p x ↔ T ⊢! ↑((codeOfRePred p)/[‘↑x’] : Sentence ℒₒᵣ)
Main Theorem
Theorem: -sound and -definable first-order theory, which is stronger than , is incomplete.
Define a set of formulae with one variable. is r.e. since is -definable. (one could use Craig's trick to weaken this condition to , but I will not do that here.)
By the representation theorem, there exists a formula that represents . i.e.,
Let . The next follows immediately.
Thus, as is consistent, is undecidable from . ∎
theorem goedel_first_incompleteness
(T : Theory ℒₒᵣ) [𝐑₀ ≼ T] [Sigma1Sound T] [T.Delta1Definable] :
¬System.Complete T
Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem
Recall that inside we can do basic set theory and primitive recursion. Many inductive notions and functions on them are defined in or using the fixpoint construction.
We work inside an arbitrary model of .
Coding of Terms and Formulae
Define as follows.
is a quasi-quotation.
is (if is a finite set) and monotone. Let be a fixpoint of . It is since satisfies strong finiteness. Define the function inductively on meaning the largest bounded variable that appears in the term. Define .
Similarly, Define :
is and monotone. Let be a fixpoint of and define
The function is defined inductively on meaning the largest bounded variable that appears in the formula.
and are again since satisfies strong finiteness.
Formalized Provability
Let be -definable theory. Define :
is a shift of a formula . is a image of shift of . Take fixpoint .
Following holds for all formula (not coded one) and finite set .
- Sound:
lemma LO.Arith.Language.Theory.Provable.sound : (T.codeIn ℕ).Provable ⌜p⌝ → T ⊢! p
- D1:
theorem LO.Arith.provable_of_provable : T ⊢! p → (T.codeIn V).Provable ⌜p⌝
- D2:
- Formalized -completeness: Let be a -sentence.
theorem LO.Arith.sigma₁_complete (hσ : Hierarchy 𝚺 1 σ) : V ⊧ₘ₀ σ → T.Provableₐ (⌜σ⌝ : V)
Now assume that is a theory of arithmetic stronger than and be a theory of arithmetic stronger than . The following holds, thanks to the completeness theorem.
Second Incompleteness Theorem
Assume that is -definable and stronger than .
Fixpoint Lemma
Since the substitution is , There is a formula such that, for all formula with only one variable and ,
holds. (overline denotes the (formalized) numeral of )
Define a sentence for formula (with one variable) as follows.
- Proof. ∎
theorem LO.FirstOrder.Arith.diagonal (θ : Semisentence ℒₒᵣ 1) :
T ⊢!. fixpoint θ ⭤ θ/[⌜fixpoint θ⌝]
Main Theorem
Define Gödel sentence :
Lemma: Gödel sentence is undecidable, i.e., if is consistent, and if .
lemma goedel_unprovable
(T : Theory ℒₒᵣ) [𝐈𝚺₁ ≼ T] [T.Delta1Definable] [System.Consistent T] :
T ⊬ ↑𝗚
lemma not_goedel_unprovable
(T : Theory ℒₒᵣ) [𝐈𝚺₁ ≼ T] [T.Delta1Definable] [ℕ ⊧ₘ* T] :
T ⊬ ∼↑𝗚
Define formalized incompleteness sentence :
lemma consistent_iff_goedel
(T : Theory ℒₒᵣ) [𝐈𝚺₁ ≼ T] [T.Delta1Definable] :
T ⊢! ↑𝗖𝗼𝗻 ⭤ ↑𝗚
Theorem: cannot prove its own consistency, i.e., if is consistent. Moreover, is undecidable from if .
theorem goedel_second_incompleteness
(T : Theory ℒₒᵣ) [𝐈𝚺₁ ≼ T] [T.Delta1Definable] [System.Consistent T] :
T ⊬ ↑𝗖𝗼𝗻
theorem inconsistent_undecidable
(T : Theory ℒₒᵣ) [𝐈𝚺₁ ≼ T] [T.Delta1Definable] [ℕ ⊧ₘ* T] :
System.Undecidable T ↑𝗖𝗼𝗻
Superintuitionistic Logic
Intuitionistic Logic is defined roughly that classical logic without law of excluded middle.
And superintuitionistic logic is some axioms add to intuitionistic logic.
Notation | Schema | Name |
𝗘𝗙𝗤 | ⊥ ⟶ p | Ex Falso Quodlibet or Law of Explosion |
𝗗𝗡𝗘 | ~~p ⟶ p | Double Negation Elimination |
𝗟𝗘𝗠 | p ⋎ ~p | Law of Excluded Middle |
𝘄𝗟𝗘𝗠 | ~p ⋎ ~~p | Weak Law of Excluded Middle |
𝗣𝗲 | ((p ⟶ q) ⟶ p) ⟶ p | Peirce's Law |
𝗚𝗗 | (p ⟶ q) ⋎ (q ⟶ p) | Gödel-Dummett Axiom |
Deduction System
Our Hilbert-style deduction system for propositional logic is designed to take parameters. These parameters are as follows.
structure DeductionParameter (α) where
axiomSet : AxiomSet α
is set of formulas (axioms), For example,𝗘𝗙𝗤
In this formalization, logics that we usually refer to as (Intuitionistic Propositional Logic), (Classical Propositional Logic), etc. is characterized by deduction parameter.
Well-Known Systems
Name | Notation | Axioms |
Minimal | ∅ | |
Intuitionistic | 𝐈𝐧𝐭 | 𝗘𝗙𝗤 |
Classical | 𝐂𝐥 | 𝗘𝗙𝗤 ∪ 𝗟𝗘𝗠 |
Glivenko's Theorem
If is provable in classical logic, double negation inserted is provable in intuitionistic logic.
theorem iff_provable_dn_efq_dne_provable: 𝐈𝐧𝐭 ⊢! ~~p ↔ 𝐂𝐥 ⊢! p
Kripke Semantics
Soundness for Kripke Semantics
instance : Sound 𝓓 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
Completeness for Kripke Semantics
Standard completeness proof using canonical models, etc.
instance : Complete 𝐈𝐧𝐭 𝔽(Ax(𝐈𝐧𝐭))
Rejection Law of Excluded Middle
Law of Excluded Middle (LEM) is not always provable in intuitionistic logic.
theorem noLEM : ∃ (p : Formula α), 𝐈𝐧𝐭 ⊬! p ⋎ ~p := by
Thus, intuitionistic logic is proper weaker than classical logic, since LEM is always provable in classical logic.
theorem strictReducible_intuitionistic_classical : 𝐈𝐧𝐭 <ₛ 𝐂𝐥
Disjunctive Property
Intuitionistic Logic have Disjunctive Property (DP).
class Disjunctive (𝓢 : S) : Prop where
disjunctive : ∀ {p q}, 𝓢 ⊢! p ⋎ q → 𝓢 ⊢! p ∨ 𝓢 ⊢! q
instance : Disjunctive 𝐈𝐧𝐭
Standard Modal Logic
As a general term for various modal logics commonly known as , , etc., we refer to the logic defined on a language that includes the modal operators (Box) and (Diamond), where is defined as the dual of (i.e., ), as Standard Modal Logic1.
Be cautious similar notations for different concepts. We use notation for concept that unrelated to our formalization, and code block `` for related our formalization.
- (
\sf K
) is axiom schema unrelated to formalization.- (
\bf K
) is logic unrelated to formalization.𝗞
(Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold) isAxiomSet
in formalization.𝐊
(Mathematical Bold Capital) isDeductionParameter
in formalization.
This term is probably not usual. We introducing for convenience in naming and organizing within our formalization.
As an example, describe about axiom . Other axioms such as and follow the same manner.
-- Axiom schema
abbrev System.Axioms.K (p q : F) := □(p ⟶ q) ⟶ □p ⟶ □q
abbrev Modal.Standard.AxiomSet (α : Type*) := Set (Modal.Standard.Formula α)
abbrev Modal.Standard.AxiomSet.K : AxiomSet α := { System.Axioms.K p q | (p) (q) }
notation "𝗞" => Modal.Standard.AxiomSet.K
Well-Known Axioms
Notation | Name | Schema | Geach |
𝗞 | K | □(p ⟶ q) ⟶ □p ⟶ □q | |
𝗧 | T | □p ⟶ p | ✅ |
𝗕 | B | p ⟶ □◇p | ✅ |
𝗗 | D | □p ⟶ ◇p | ✅ |
𝟰 | Four | □p ⟶ □□p | ✅ |
𝟱 | Five | ◇p ⟶ □◇p | ✅ |
.𝟮 | Dot2 | ◇□p ⟶ □◇p | ✅ |
.𝟯 | Dot3 | □(□p ⟶ □q) ⋎ □(□q ⟶ □p) | |
𝗟 | L | □(□p ⟶ p) ⟶ □p | |
𝗚𝗿𝘇 | Grz | □(□(p ⟶ □p) ⟶ p) ⟶ p | |
𝗧𝗰 | Tc | p ⟶ □p | ✅ |
𝗩𝗲𝗿 | Ver | □p | |
𝗖𝟰 | C4 | □□p ⟶ □p | ✅ |
𝗖𝗗 | CD | ◇p ⟶ □p | ✅ |
𝗠 | M | □◇p ⟶ ◇□p |
Geach Axioms
Geach Axiom is defined as .
structure Geach.Taple where
i : ℕ
j : ℕ
m : ℕ
n : ℕ
abbrev Geach (l : Geach.Taple) (p : F) := ◇^[l.i](□^[l.m]p) ⟶ □^[l.j](◇^[l.n]p)
notation "𝗴𝗲(" t ")" => AxiomSet.Geach t
Some axioms is generalized as Geach axioms (Above table, Geach: ✅). For example and .
Deduction System for Modal Logic
Our Hilbert-style deduction system for modal logic is designed to take parameters. These parameters are as follows.
structure DeductionParameter (α) where
axiomSet : AxiomSet α
nec : Bool
is set of formulas (axioms), For example,𝗞
,𝗞 ∪ 𝗧 ∪ 𝟰
is flag to contain necessitation rule.
The parameter is called Normal if axiomSet
includes 𝗞
and nec
is true
In this formalization, modal logics that we usually refer to as , , etc. is characterized by deduction parameter.
Geach Logic
def AxiomSet.MultiGeach : List Axioms.Geach.Taple → AxiomSet α
| [] => 𝗞
| x :: xs => (AxiomSet.Geach x) ∪ (AxiomSet.MultiGeach xs)
notation "𝗚𝗲(" l ")" => AxiomSet.MultiGeach l
def DeductionParameter.Geach (l : List Axioms.Geach.Taple) : DeductionParameter α where
axiomSet := 𝗚𝗲(l)
nec := true
notation "𝐆𝐞(" l ")" => DeductionParameter.Geach l
If 𝓓
is some 𝐆𝐞(l)
, 𝓓
is called Geach.
class IsGeach (𝓓 : DeductionParameter α) where
taples : List Axioms.Geach.Taple
char : 𝓓 = 𝐆𝐞(taples)
Soundness for Kripke Semantics
Let deduction system of 𝓓
has necessitation. If 𝓓 ⊢! p
then p
is valid on every frame in 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
instance [HasNec 𝓓] : Sound 𝓓 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
Consistency of Deduction System via Kripke Semantics
From soundness theorem, if 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
is nonempty, deduction system of 𝓓
is consistent (i.e. not every formula is provable in 𝓓
instance [FrameClass.IsNonempty 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))] : System.Consistent 𝓓
It is immediately apparent, frameclass of 𝔽(Ax(𝐊))
is nonempty, thus 𝐊
is consistent.
instance : FrameClass.IsNonempty 𝔽(Ax(𝐊))
instance : System.Consistent 𝐊
Futhermore, if 𝓓
is Geach, then its frameclass is nonempty, thus it is consistent.
instance [𝓓.IsGeach] : FrameClass.IsNonempty 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
instance [𝓓.IsGeach] : System.Consistent 𝓓
Completeness for Kripke Semantics
Completeness for Kripke Semantics (shortly called, Kripke Completeness) proved by usual way with Canonical frames and models.
If every axioms in Ax(𝓓)
is valid in Canonical frame of 𝓓
, 𝓓
is called Canonical.
class Canonical (𝓓 : DeductionParameter α) [Inhabited (MCT 𝓓)] where
realize : (CanonicalFrame 𝓓) ⊧* Ax(𝓓)
If 𝓓
is canonical and consistent, then 𝓓
is complete for 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
instance [System.Consistent 𝓓] [Canonical 𝓓] : Complete 𝓓 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
Immediately apparent that 𝐊
is canonical and 𝐊
is consistent mentioned above, then 𝐊
is complete.
instance : Canonical 𝐊
instance : Complete 𝐊 𝔽(Ax(𝐊))
Futhermore, if 𝓓
is Geach, then 𝓓
is canonical, thus it is complete.
instance [𝓓.IsGeach] : Canonical 𝓓
instance [𝓓.IsGeach] : Complete 𝓓 𝔽(Ax(𝓓))
On Gödel-Löb Logic
Logics Equivalent to GL
Let's introduce Henkin Axiom 𝗛
, Löb Rule (𝐋)
, Henkin Rule (𝐇)
protected abbrev H := □(□p ⟷ p) ⟶ □p
class LoebRule where
loeb {p : F} : 𝓢 ⊢ □p ⟶ p → 𝓢 ⊢ p
class HenkinRule where
henkin {p : F} : 𝓢 ⊢ □p ⟷ p → 𝓢 ⊢ p
is defined normal logic that axioms are𝗞
is defined as𝐊𝟒
is defined as𝐊𝟒
These logics are equivalent to 𝐆𝐋
lemma reducible_GL_K4Loeb : 𝐆𝐋 ≤ₛ 𝐊𝟒(𝐋)
lemma reducible_K4Loeb_K4Henkin: 𝐊𝟒(𝐋) ≤ₛ 𝐊𝟒(𝐇)
lemma reducible_K4Henkin_K4H : 𝐊𝟒(𝐇) ≤ₛ 𝐊𝟒𝐇
lemma reducible_K4Henkin_GL : 𝐊𝟒𝐇 ≤ₛ 𝐆𝐋
--- Obviously `𝐆𝐋 =ₛ 𝐊𝟒(𝐋) =ₛ 𝐊𝟒(𝐇) =ₛ 𝐊𝟒𝐇`, since transitivity of `≤ₛ` and definition of `=ₛ`.
Note: 𝐊𝐇
(normal logic that axioms are 𝗞
, 𝗛
) is proper weak logic of 𝐆𝐋
and not Kripke complete.
Frame Definability of GL
Strength between Logics
It is immediately apparent that, when 𝓓₁
and 𝓓₂
are same inference rule1, the logical strength between 𝓓₁
and 𝓓₂
is determined by the subset of their axiom set.
lemma reducible_of_subset (hNec : L₁.nec ≤ L₂.nec) (hAx : Ax(L₁) ⊆ Ax(L₂)) : L₁ ≤ₛ L₂ := by
lemma reducible_K_KT : 𝐊 ≤ₛ 𝐊𝐓
However, even without the subset of axiomset, it is possible to analyze the strength of logic via Kripke semantics, specifically by analyzing the properties of frames defined by the axioms. For example, since seriality follows from reflexivity, is stronger than ().
lemma reducible_of_definability
[Sound 𝓓₁ 𝔽(Ax(𝓓₁))] [Complete 𝓓₂ 𝔽(Ax(𝓓₂))]
[Definability Ax(𝓓₁) P₁] [Definability Ax(𝓓₂) P₂]
(hs : ∀ {F : Frame}, P₂ F → P₁ F)
: 𝓓₁ ≤ₛ 𝓓₂
theorem reducible_KD_KT : 𝐊𝐃 ≤ₛ 𝐊𝐓
By same argument, the equivalence of provability between logics can be analyzed. is equivalent to ().
lemma equiv_of_iff_definability
[Sound 𝓓₁ 𝔽(Ax(𝓓₁))] [Sound 𝓓₂ 𝔽(Ax(𝓓₂))]
[Complete 𝓓₁ 𝔽(Ax(𝓓₁))] [Complete 𝓓₂ 𝔽(Ax(𝓓₂))]
[Definability Ax(𝓓₁) P₁] [Definability Ax(𝓓₂) P₂]
(h : ∀ {F : Frame}, P₁ F ↔ P₂ F) : 𝓓₁ =ₛ 𝓓₂
theorem equiv_S5_KT4B : 𝐒𝟓 =ₛ 𝐊𝐓𝟒𝐁
It is permissible that 𝓓₂
has all inference rule of 𝓓₁
Undefinability of Frame Property
There is no axiom set that irreflexivity of frame defines. In other words, as long as the inference rule of 𝓓
is only necessitation, no matter what axiom sets of 𝓓
has, deduction system of 𝓓
cannot be represent irreflexive Kripke frame.
theorem Kripke.undefinability_irreflexive : ¬∃ (Ax : AxiomSet α), (∀ {F : Frame}, (Irreflexive F.Rel) ↔ F ⊧* Ax)
Modal Companion
Gödel-McKensey-Tarski Theorem
Through a translation called Gödel Translation from propositional logic formula to modal logic formula, intuitionistic logic can be embedded into . (This theorem is known as Gödel-McKensey-Tarski Theorem.)
def GoedelTranslation : Superintuitionistic.Formula α → Formula α
postfix:75 "ᵍ" => GoedelTranslation
theorem provable_efq_iff_provable_S4
{p : Superintuitionistic.Formula α}
: 𝐈𝐧𝐭 ⊢! p ↔ 𝐒𝟒 ⊢! pᵍ
Modal Companion
The generalized version of this relationship is called Modal Companion. has modal companion.
class ModalCompanion (i𝓓 : Superintuitionistic.DeductionParameter α) (m𝓓 : Modal.Standard.DeductionParameter α) where
companion : ∀ {p : Superintuitionistic.Formula α}, i𝓓 ⊢! p ↔ m𝓓 ⊢! pᵍ
instance : ModalCompanion 𝐈𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝟒