On Gödel-Löb Logic

Logics Equivalent to GL

Let's introduce Henkin Axiom 𝗛, Löb Rule (𝐋), Henkin Rule (𝐇).

protected abbrev H := □(□p ⟷ p) ⟶ □p

class LoebRule where
  loeb {p : F} : 𝓢 ⊢ □p ⟶ p → 𝓢 ⊢ p

class HenkinRule where
  henkin {p : F} : 𝓢 ⊢ □p ⟷ p → 𝓢 ⊢ p
  • 𝐊𝟒𝐇 is defined normal logic that axioms are 𝗞, 𝟰, 𝗛.
  • 𝐊𝟒(𝐋) is defined as 𝐊𝟒 extended (𝐋).
  • 𝐊𝟒(𝐇) is defined as 𝐊𝟒 extended (𝐇).

These logics are equivalent to 𝐆𝐋.

lemma reducible_GL_K4Loeb : 𝐆𝐋 ≤ₛ 𝐊𝟒(𝐋)
lemma reducible_K4Loeb_K4Henkin: 𝐊𝟒(𝐋) ≤ₛ 𝐊𝟒(𝐇)
lemma reducible_K4Henkin_K4H : 𝐊𝟒(𝐇) ≤ₛ 𝐊𝟒𝐇
lemma reducible_K4Henkin_GL : 𝐊𝟒𝐇 ≤ₛ 𝐆𝐋

--- Obviously `𝐆𝐋 =ₛ 𝐊𝟒(𝐋) =ₛ 𝐊𝟒(𝐇) =ₛ 𝐊𝟒𝐇`, since transitivity of `≤ₛ` and definition of `=ₛ`.

Note: 𝐊𝐇 (normal logic that axioms are 𝗞, 𝗛) is proper weak logic of 𝐆𝐋 and not Kripke complete.